
Nutrition Information


"So Berry Good for You" - Newsweek June 17, 2002 Issue



Research has shown that there is exceptional nutraceutical benefits from Oregon caneberries: high ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) values, a generous presence of ellagic acid, quercetin, anthocyanins, salicylic acid, catechins, Vitamin C, and phyto-estrogen. These are all properties which help fight cancers (with particular emphasis on colon and esophageal cancers). They lower blood cholesterol levels and the corresponding risk of heart disease, and facilitate the body's ability to slow the aging process. 


       Red Raspberries

Today, new research suggests that eating red raspberries may prevent cancer by inhibiting the abnormal division of cells and promoting the normal death of healthy cells. Tests conducted at the Hollings Cancer Center at the Medical University of South Carolina have revealed that the human body readily absorbs the ellagic acid from red raspberries. This ellagic acid has been clinically shown to cause apoptosis (cell death) in certain cancer cells. 

Among several significant phytochemicals, red raspberries contain ellagic acid, a phenolic compound that has exhibited anti-carcinogenic effects against a wide range of carcinogens in several tissues. Ellagic acid contributes to significant inhibition of colon, esophageal, liver, lung, tongue, and skin cancers in studies with rats and mice, both in vitro and in vivo. By the same token, quercetin, one of the flavanols found in raspberries, has been found to be an effective anticarcinogen against skin, colon, and mammary cancers in rodents. Anthocyanins are also prevalent in red raspberries, working as antioxidants that protect against heart disease and age-related mental decline. 

What is interesting to note is the superior efficacy of eating red raspberries as opposed to taking the individual phytochemicals in the form of dietary supplements. Although it is not understood as why this is so, it is clear the nutraceutical whole is greater than the sum of its parts. 


    Black Raspberries

What is known to scientific fact is that damage by oxygen free radicals is a contributing factor in many of the problems associated with aging, particularly cardiovascular disease and cancer. Oxygen free radicals attack DNA, causing cell mutation that in turn prevents natural cell death. Antioxidants, such as ORAC, have an innate ability to seek and destroy oxygen free radicals. This is why foods that have high ORAC values, such as the potent black raspberry, are so essential to a healthy daily diet. 

Generally speaking, dark-colored berries are naturally high in flavonoids and phenolics (such as anthocyanins and ellagic acid, making them strong antioxidants. This is particularly true in the case of black raspberries--they contain almost twice the amount of phenolic content found in other berries.

Studying the natural chemopreventive properties of black raspberries, Dr. Gary Stoner of Ohio State University reported findings that may support a food-based approach to cancer prevention. In the study, freeze-dried black raspberries inhibited colon cancer by about 50 percent when added to the diets of rodents that has been chemically treated with carcinogens. This study is an extension of earlier research in which freeze-dried strawberries and black raspberries prevented carcinogen-induced esophageal cancer in rodents by 50-70 percent. 

For more information regarding Berry Research, go to www.oregon-berries.com.  

Sturm's Berry Farm Inc. l 1307 Evans Road l P.O. Box 245 l Corbett, OR 97019

lPhone: 503-695-2743 l email: Sturm's Berry Farm

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